Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Western Alliance: WA Exclusive: Interview With Katelyn Sills

Conservative Schooler, a blogger and commentor at Katelyn Sills', interviewed her for The Western Alliance of Blogs, a group blog of which he's a member.

Hat tip to Ron Rolling of A Wing and a Prayer for the lead.

Katelyn Sills is an extraordinary young woman. Well-spoken, mature beyond her years, she represents herself with dignity and confidence, and her fidelity to Christ radiates with every nuance of her language. She is a testament to the faithfulness of her family. All Fools should be honored--and grateful--that she represents at least some of the future generations of Foolish Catholics.

She reiterates what she's explained in her blog about her family's position on the Loretto fiasco:
Earlier this evening, I had the chance to engage in an interview with Katelyn Sills, who is the young woman who was recently expelled from Loretto High School after her mother complained about a teacher who had volunteered at a Planned Parenthood clinic. This was Katelyn's first interview since being expelled.

Here is the transcript of the interview. I am cahsconservative and Katelyn's screen name is KTlovesguitar:

cahsconservative: OK, so first off. I am curious. What do you use when you are protesting at the abortion clinics? Do you have signs with aborted babies on them?

KTlovesguitar: First, what my mom specifically does is not protesting. Yes, of course, she hopes to prevent abortion, but on the days that she goes to the clinics, she is there to help the individual mother and unborn baby. So, she has pamphlets that have the stages of development of the unborn and other information that a woman would want to have. She does have one sign that she carries that says "Abortion hurts for a lifetime." The law is that a pro-lifer can only be on the public sidewalk, so when people drive by with their windows closed or are far away, it is much easier to let people read a sign than to have to shout. My mom doesn't have signs with aborted babies on them, but other people do. While they might be shocking and uncomfortable, they are just telling the truth as to what goes on inside Planned Parenthood. They actually have been effective in changing minds and saving lives. But, in summary, my mom doesn't carry these signs. I have only been to the abortion clinics about 5-10 times total.

KTlovesguitar: The pamphlets represent helpful agencies in the community, such as the life centers.

cahsconservative: OK. Now, why did your mother take pictures of Mrs. Baines at the clinic?

KTlovesguitar: She didn't. Another sidewalk counselor, as they are called, had it in his digital camera from several months ago. It is not uncommon for both sides to take pictures of each other to protect against false lawsuits. The counselors do not take pictures of the clients themselves, unless someone threatens violence.

cahsconservative: What would your reaction have been if the Bishop had decided not to fire her?

KTlovesguitar: I would have wondered his reasons for not firing. If he had valid reasons, then of course I would understand that. However, if he had simply believed that having a teacher who has willingly violated one of the most basic, fundamental elements of Catholicism was acceptable, we would have probably had to go to the next person up the ladder.

cahsconservative: Were you personally ever under the direct supervision of (either in a class or some other activity) of Mrs. Bain?

KTlovesguitar: Ms. Bain was never my supervising teacher, but she was in my homeroom everyday for reasons unknown. Maybe my homeroom teacher was mentoring her?

KTlovesguitar: Because she was new, maybe? I don't really know.

cahsconservative: That sounds reasonable. I have had some teachers do that. Have new teachers observe.

cahsconservative: But anyway, since you were never under the supervision of Mrs. Banes, why did your mother feel compelled to complain?

KTlovesguitar: Well, she has been across the sidewalk from Ms. Bain for nine months. In that time, while my mom has been trying to provide information and offer help to the women coming in for abortions, the escorts try to make sure that they never talk to my mom or any person who would help. They use tactics such as playing their boom-boxes very loud, especially in the entry to the abortion clinic, parking their vehicle across the front of the building to block the sidewalk counselors' access, and using leaf blowers to create noise interference. Ms. Bain almost always used an umbrella rain or shine to block the young women from being able to see or hear my mom's help. Her presence at an all girls school would be a daily risk, considering how hard she has pushed the other women to obtain abortions. Because Loretto was a Catholic school and would therefore understand the risk of abortion, my mom thought that they would share her concern. If it had been a public school, it wouldn't have mattered what the Catholic church believed, but at a Catholic school, it should be the first priority to follow Christ and Catholic teaching.
Katelyn Sills and her family rightly objected to Marie Bains' presence around teenage Catholic girls. The woman's formal cooperation with objective evil made her a grave source of scandal. Her popularity would give her voice undue influence in these girls' lives. That could facilitate one of them to consider an abortion if they became pregnant. At the very least, They might develop muddled thinking regarding the Church's teaching on the sanctity of all human life--including unborn human lives. A cursory glance at Ms. Bain's defenders in Katelyn's blog more than demonstrates that this sad phenomena occurs among Loretto students already. Why should Loretto High School's administration allow Ms. Bain's contradictory positions as a Catholic high school Drama teacher and Planned Parenthood escort to exacerbate this?

The Sills asked this Foolish question. They expected the religious sisters that operate a Catholic high school for teenage girls to provide a Foolish answer. Instead, these Foolable HS Administrators responded with Reasonable obstruction and mouth-foaming power-plays. For the crime of asking Loretto High School administrators to actually witness to the Catholic faith, The Sills have suffered the indignity of defamation and ostracization.

The Loretto sisters entrusted with LHS' administration have done irreparable harm to the young women and families they serve. They have modelled intolerance and suppression of those that witness to the faith. They have demonstrated that idealogical accomodation to the Dictatorship of Relativism and the culture of death supercede charity and fidelity to Christ's teaching. They have cast from their midst the faithful because the Ordinary of Sacramento urged them to dismiss the far too Reasonable Ms. Bain. Thus, they have now shown their girls that vinctiveness must take its place as the core value of the politically correct Catholic. May they come to understand the grave mistakes they've made and repent of their evil. May God have mercy on them!

Katelyn Sills will be fine. Wherever she ends up in her secondary education, she will achieve every success that she desires. Her family will see their name vindicated. They deserve the respect of every Fool that values courageous witness for the Faith. Christ, through his Church, will conquer the world and manifest his Kingdom to the full thanks to faithful disciples like the Sills. God bless and preserve them always!