Monday, January 23, 2006

Witness to Life

Amy Welborn of Open Book has links to those covering the March for Life in Washington, DC.

In particular, she focuses on After Abortion. Here's a sample of their coverage:
I just got off the phone with Janet Morano. Janet, with Georgette Forney, is one of the two co-founders of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign.

As we spoke at 6:15 EST, the SNMA gathering was drawing to a close. Three women had yet to speak.

Women came to testify at the SNMA event from Scotland and northern Ireland. One particularly moving testimony was from a native American woman who had aborted twins. Janet said that many, many states had women speaking. Altogether, about sixty women and four men spoke or will speak. It's the first year that one of the testimonies was delivered in Spanish.

As with last year, the SNMA representatives holding their "I Regret My Abortion" signs were invited to stand on the speaker's platform at the beginning of the March. Janet says that the main difference from last year is that the stage was bigger and better this year, with a much better sound system, and the March organizers allowed all the SNMA women on stage (last reason, space limitations precluded this).

"Princeton Pro-Life" on EWTN discusses defending the prolife position using nothing but logic and "public reason." No religion, no spirituality, no bible quotes, no mention of God. With this way of reasoning, student Duncan (sorry I didn't catch his last name) says "the pro-life position is not only tenable but morally responsible to hold..."

Duncan remarked that he was at the "March for Choice" two years ago, when everyone looked rather homogenous, but at the March for Life, you find people of all ages, all colors, and by us being here at the March For Life, we hope people will realize also that Princeton is not a bastion of pure moral relativism... there is hope here.

I'm soooo glad to hear that; that's one of the colleges my son is really hoping to attend. "Newborns-are-not-persons" Prof. Peter Singer notwithstanding.

At the March for Life today, 20,000 cards with these symbols were handed out, asking people to visit the website for all citizens--pro-life and pro-choice--who want to be known as Americans On Call.

Think: "the mission of Feminists For Life coming to fruition" (pro-choicers, please read that webpage's text before deciding you really disagree) -- without creating another pro-life group to fund. A hopefully-national "identification movement."

Organized by a friend, a post-abortive young graduate student (who I met a couple years ago) and his friends (girls and guys), I think this is an idea whose time really has come.

It's based on the seemingly increasing reality that many abortions in our country could be (could have been) avoided if more women knew where to turn. What needs to happen is for people who are willing and enabled to know how to get such help -- to be everywhere a woman turns.

To be easily and instantly recognizable. Hence the name, "Americans On Call."