Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Oh well. More dribble

Did I really expect more MSM outlets to echo common sense?Perish the thought!

Sigh. Here we go again:

A bipartisan consensus in favor of allowing scientists to pursue stem cell research is showing signs of exercising political clout in Madison and Washington.

Wisconsin should encourage this moderate coalition to grow so that it can fend off persistent efforts to block government funding for embryonic stem cell experiments.

At stake is not only the potential for medical advancements that could save lives but also Wisconsin's potential to become a hotbed for stem cell research and the biotechnology industry that it could spawn.

Yeah, nothing like selling our children to science so that our state snatches up some shares of GDP. And think of all the sick children we'll help. Well, sure, there's nothing now, but just think what we'll find once we cut out a few of those stem-cells...

Honestly, don't reasonable editorial boards ever get tired of the same-old meme? Wouldn't they rather have a more compelling story then enlightened progressive scientists v. hardline religious-right theocrats? Yawn. How many advertizers has this paper lost? Just read this:

The latest policy battle over stem cell research in Wisconsin occurred at the state Capitol last week. Wisconsin Right to Life urged the Legislature's Joint Finance Committee, which is considering the state budget, to prohibit the use of state tax dollars to clone or destroy embryos in stem cell research.

In response, committee co-chairman Sen. Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, aimed toward putting a restriction in the budget. But Fitzgerald was forced to back off when Republican leaders persuaded him that such a proposal deserved separate debate in the full Legislature.


It's time for the moderate majority to assert itself and make sure scientists have the freedom to pursue ethical stem cell research without counterproductive government restrictions.

Gosh, why don't they just burn the guy in effigy? He listens to the concerns of an association of citizens that don't want tax dollars to pay for the murder of children. Isn't listening to constituents a part of his job description? And, of course, those that believe children must die for the good of the state are identified as "moderate." And why not, when one can ease one's conscience by soaking up lies like these:

Stem cell research poses ethical questions because when stem cells are extracted from human embryos, the embryos are destroyed. But in the United States the chief focus is on stem cells from embryos that are left over when couples undergo fertility treatments. This mitigates the ethical concern because these embryos would be discarded anyway.

Reasonable members of the Wisconsin State Journal, have any of you ever in your lives heard of a non-sequitor? Well, reread that paragraph, and you'll know what one sounds like! The disposal of embryos frozen after IVF has absolutely no bearing on the ethics of destroying embryos for stem-cells. Whether or not they are thrown away or adopted by loving family has absolutely nothing to do with the reality that real children are killed. Unless Machiavelli is the new moral norm, there is no way one can reasonably believe that embryonic stem-cell research is "mitigated" by the disposal of frozen children. unfortunately, reasonable people believe this all day long.

How can we get them to act more Foolishly? For we must, before society hits the bottom of this chasm into which it has fallen.