Saturday, June 25, 2005

Reasonable Brownshirts on the March!

Seriously, Mark Shea should trademark that on the march phrase. It's so useful! It applies to so many foaming at the mouth Reasonables like this one!

Can we say unhinged? Well, thank God for the Internet. Now, tell me, buddy, what do you really think?

Note that the blogger quotes an article by a John Cory that appears in some progressive rag. Get ready to cover your ears:

What the hell is wrong with you Democratic politicians? Why do you turn on each other? Why won't you stand by your own words and ideals? Why do you keep apologizing for telling the truth? And why can't anyone see McCain's true colors? Or Lieberman or Biden?

And why in God's name do you expect folks like me to come support you after you turn tail and run?

Senator Durbin apologizes, for what? Telling the truth?

The howling banshees of the GOP and corrupt media sprout hair under a full moon and wail into the sky until the noise becomes unbearable for simpering politicians. And the jackals of right-wing power feast on the carcass of democracy. Warm jelly spine is such a delicacy for these carnivores.

Sure, guy. Whatever you say. Professional soldiers that guard Taliban and Alqada terrorists are just like Pol Pot's architects of the Cambodian Killing fields. Providing specialize diets, painted arrows on cell floors that point east, and Qu'ran's to these terrorists equals gassing innocent men, women and children in concentration camps. Coercively Interrogating highly-trained murderers that belong to the deadliest terrorist affiliation in the world is exactly the same as torturing prisoners of conscience in Stalin's Gulags. Right.

Any person of conscience questions the wisdom of certain tactics that the US implements in the War on Terror. As a Christian and an American, I am deeply disturbed that even a terrorist is chained naked to the floor. However, any person with a modicum of sanity understands how different even this unfortunate treatment is from the otrocities of the Nazis and communists. There simply is no legitmate comparison that can be made.

Senator Durbin demonstrates a pathological insanity that perhaps appeals to the Michael Moore wing of the Democratic party. Any one else sees just how sick his comments truly are. Apparently, Mssr. Cory and Brineman embrace the insanity that the hard-left regards as Reasonable thought.

Excuse me, now, while I fall out of my chair laughing!

Now, as insane as this is, does it qualify per se as Brownshirt Tactics. No. But this does:

Take a group, a LARGE group of Congressmen and Senators over to Dover Air Base to honor and photograph the returning dead from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Do not be deterred by MPs or civilian police, and be willing to be arrested for trespassing. Let the Bush administration arrest a congressional delegation representing the families of the fallen for daring to face the price America pays for Bush's War.

Rent a Jumbotron in Times Square and use the Nightline model of the Iran hostage crisis - remember? (Day 152 of "America Held Hostage") Only this time, the Jumbotron flashes the picture of our young troops with the caption: "Death 1732 - Wound 5432 - of the Bush War."

And then as an added bonus offer up this message on the giant screen:

Let Us Pray.
Our Forefathers, who art in heaven,
ow hollowed have become thy names.
The rule of kingdom has come,
The Republic is undone On Earth just as they intend to do to Heaven.

They give us each day, a daily dread
And warn us about our trespasses
While they trespass against us -
We, the people.

Oh, lead us out of wars of pre-emption,
And deliver us from one-party evil,
For we know there should be no corporate kingdom,
Only empowerment of the people,
And the glory of the common good
That is true Democracy For ever and ever, Amen.

And after you have done this - let the howling begin. I'll stand beside you.

Take to the streets. Demand that Lawmakers break the law and obliterate the separation of powers. Encourage national leaders to infringe on the war-time duties of the Commander-In-Chief. Profer the most rank and offensive propaganda possible in an international public forum. Rinse and repeat.

They're reasonable, remember. They have the "truth". They can deliver that message any way they want. Other's rights and responsibilities mean nothing. The True Agenda must move on!

Honestly, if I laugh any harder I'll get sick!