Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I've been Memed!

Speaking of movies. Julie D. of Happy Catholic has Movie Buff Memed me! Indeed, she asks, "does he watch movies?" To which I answer, "Of course. Is there anything else?" Well, here it goes!

Total Number of films I own on DVD/Video
None. That's what digital cable and libraries are for!

The Last Film I Bought
Can't recall buying one.

Five Films I Watch A Lot/Mean a Lot to Me
1. The Passion of the Christ. It's a true Rennaisance film. Fantastic cinematography, passionate storytelling and compelling performances. I left in such profound awe.

2. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. I had my doubts about whether Peter Jacksone could really bring Tolkien's masterpiece to the silver screen. After TROTK, I doubted no more. Here is an epic masterpiece that captures the essence of the trilogy's climax. Breathtaking!

3. The Matrix. This is the first truly intelligent, action-adventure film I'd ever seen. Dark, moody, and with a truly compelling plot and metaphysics. It was a sci-fi best. Come on, tell me you didn't leap out of your seat when you saw Nemo wake up!

4. Gladiator. I'm a Roman-Empire-phile, if ever there was one: This story truly captures the experience of the Empire's highs and lows. I enjoyed the brilliant action and defiant determination of Maximus. I appreciated his willingness, even in his grief and desire for revenge, to seek the best of his civilization by joining the conspiracy to dethrone the Emperor.

5. Lorenzo'sOil. When I discerned whether or not I was called to Matrimony, Holy Orders or Consecrated Laity, I watched two films that thematically addressed each. I saw Romero; 'Nough said. Then I saw Lorenzo's Oil; this witness of Matrimony truly confirmed where God called me to in this life. This compelling and heartwrenching story ripped open my sensibility about marriage and family life. I truly understood the tremendous cost and love that happen in a family. The story involves a mother and Father's desperate experience caring for their chronically ill son, and how they endure in the midst of hope and disappointment. I loved it!

And now, the five new victims. Hmmm...so many bloggers, so little time. Let's mix it up:

Fr. Jape of the Japery. Heh, heh. Payback, Fr. is a meme for a meme!
Ashe Wednesday of For Lack of a Better Term Let's see the first Rotweiller sink his teeth into this!
Kirk of Grasping At Space Time to grasp some cinema!
atheling2 of The Pugil Stick Take a stab at this one!
Tony Miller at the Catholic Pillow Fight Round 1 to you!