Thursday, November 17, 2005

Catholic Pillow Fight Ponders the Opposite of Modesty

Tony Miller of Catholic Pillow Fight reflects on the role of modesty, or the lack of it, and the incitement of behavior. His metaphor of choice in opining on this matter? Why, fishing, of course.

He, of course, draws his analogy to this latest Reasonable attempt to chase windmills through positive law and political correctness. Look at how he makes his catch:
I enjoy fishing. When I go fishing, I go to places where the kind of fish I want to hook hang out, and I bait my hook with the bait that I believe will attract the kind of fish I'm looking to catch.

If I want to catch a beautiful rainbow trout you will bait your hook with what it takes to catch that trout. You'll hang out at clear running streams and patiently wait for that one perfect fish.

If you hang around a stagnant pool, and you bait your hook with stinky, rancid doughballs, you won't be catching rainbow trout. You'll probably be catching bullheads.

Some women bait their hook with stinkbait, and then are suprised that the only fish they catch are bullheads. They wonder why they never date nice guys, when nice guys usually aren't interested in girls who look available for casual sex.
The trouble Reasonable pursuers of the One Thing that Matters have is that they must foment unfettered lust without inciting violence against women. The pictures in this new campaign by the LA Commission Against Assault on Women represent this noble attempt at balancing passion and civility. They utterly fail, of course.

The Reason is clear. While the pictures obviously are not an invitation to rape, they are invitations to objectification. The fashions present the women in question as objects of men's sexual attraction and gratuitous desire. Women that want to be treated as Subjects, as persons with individuality and God-given dignity, simply will not debase themselves by wearing clothes like those that demean them.

When women act in ways that objectify themselves, they run the risk of encountering amoral men with little capacity or interest in governing their passions. These men may disgracefully resort to violence in their efforts to possess these women. Their despicable characters is the spark of genuine harm; the objectification of women brought on by immodest dress is the gasoline.

Sexuality is a gift from God. This precious gift expresses the full nature of our personhood through the gender in which we're born. When enacted properly, it becomes the fundamental gift of self that a husband and wife share with one another. Sexuality was never meant to be a relational narcotic or a pleasurable act of harmonal gratification. The pursuit of sexuality apart from unity and procreation debases the participants. So does the behavior of anyone that communicates this intention.

If the LACAAOW truly wants to alleviate the tragedy of rape, they should call for all men and women to express their genuine personhood. Promotion of exhausted sexual liberation apologetics will yield the same, sad results it always has. It's time to consider some Foolish ideas. Like maybe letting a little modesty take women a long way toward being treated with the dignity they deserve.