Saturday, June 25, 2005

At last, a Fool speaks

Well, a man well on his way to becoming a Fool. Read his Foolish analysis of the Gitmo situation. I believe he has admirably demonstrated the law of unintended consequences here. Among his cogent observations:

Really, I am prejudiced against W, having had him as governor before I had him as President, and I had a generally negative impression of Gitmo. But then this whole AI and Durbin flap got me interested to see just how bad it was. And what did I discover? That the prisoners routinely gain weight. That they are provided with personal copies of the Qu'ran, handled by the guards literally with gloves. That there are more documented cases of prisoners' mishandling the Qu'ran than of guards'. That the food is better than the rations given to soldiers in the field. That nobody has come close to dying, even the guy who we know was to be the 20th hijacker. That even a media so desperate to make Bush look bad that it will run unconfirmed stories from anonymous sources, can find no "anti-Muslem" abuse worse than some grunt's taking a leak outside and having a few drops accidentally blow through a vent to land on a prisoner's US-issued copy of the Qu'ran. I mean, I can VERY easily imagine myself doing something like that; it's a pretty minimal amount of airheadedness that's required. And even then, the airheaded grunt's immediate officer promptly reprimands him, reassigns him, and issues a new Qu'ran and set of clothes to the prisoner.

So now I'm thinking, "Wow, Gitmo is actually something for the Shrub to brag about."

In other words, thanks to the hysterical ravings of the Bush-haters, I've come away more of a Bush-supporter than I was to begin with.

And if he's come away from the Gitmo lunacy of the left more pro-Bush, how many more like him? This is what the far-left Reasonable people have never understood. Actions have consequences, not intentions. The Reasonable may well have believed that Gitmo was a Gulag. They intended the American People to believe this. They acted in such a way that Gitmo drew attention. However, this action has resulted in people learning the facts. Apparently, these facts were to inconvenient to get in the way of the Reasonable's ideology. The trouble is that many Americans don't share that ideology; They deal in facts, not political dogma.

The more the Reasonable foam at the mouth, the more Fools they'll have on their hands. Fools like facts. Maybe the Reasonable should as well.