Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Conscientious Contemplation says "You Read It Right: Complete Blog Commenting Guidelines"

Rebecca over at Doxology links to an important tutorial on the art of classy commenting. Alex Harris, a seasoned debater and finalist in National debating tournements, offers a quick course for "newbies" and a "reminder" for veterans. His discourse is a clarion call for common sense and civility:
You Have Entered “The Comment Zone”
It is crucial to a vibrant and healthy comment section for participants to understand the purpose of discussion, and to possess a proper respect for their fellow contributors. Whether you maintain your own blog, comment on other blogger’s posts, or both, you have most likely been frustrated by the lack of proper argumentation and the seeming epidemic of disrespect, primarily among your opponents (Insight #1: They feel the same way towards you.

The truth is that we all can use a helpful reminder every so often as to how we should conduct ourselves in the high-intensity role of “the commentator’s commenter.”

For that reason we present, “Commenting For ‘Newbies’ (A ‘Reminder’ For The Rest of Us),” as an invaluable resource for bloggers and their readers; an aide-mémoire, if you will. Yes, logic, evidence, and respect still exist and can be realized—even in your comment section.
Mr. Harris outlines steps and principles that will help commentors of all levels of experience to successfully make their point and live to tell about it. He offers sound counsel in a turbulent time.

Too often, comboxes are e-colosseums, where digital gladiators slaughter each other with viscious attacks. The Jerry Springer school of combox debating leads to cyber-shouting matches that generate more heat than light. Yeah, some of these screaming matches do entertain--like watching TV talk-show guests smack each other with folding chairs entertains. or like watching a train wreck entertains. Unfortunately, once the thrill is gone, the conversation holds no more value. No one learns anything. No one's changed anyone else's mind. As debate, this digital gladiator competitions utterly fail.

I hope many other bloggers and commentors take Mr. Harris' tutorial seriously. They would seriously improve the blogosphere discourse. That can't be a bad thing!

Update: Mr. Harris payed me a visit and liked what he saw. He also informed me that he did not work alone:
The only clarification I would request is that the work was not an invidual project, but a joint work, between my twin brother Brett (of The Rebelution) and myself. We debated together and wrote the guidelines together... So his name should be included (if it's not too much trouble) along with a link to his blog as well.
Of course! Make note, fellow Fools. The Harris Brothers have developed this tutorial together. Be sure to pay them a visit. Tell them A Holy Fool sent you!