Monday, August 22, 2005

Spinning on Stem-Cells. Again

Note this Reasonable Columnists indignation

I love how the Reasonable play fast and loose with the facts:
Are you growing as tired of the topic of funding embryonic stem cell research as I am? I am trying to figure out the motives of the people who are still hammering away at stopping the expansion of the lines that can be funded. The House of Representatives already passed the bill, the majority of the senators favor the bill and 70 percent of the American people want additional funding. What is the holdup?
70% of Americans want more funding? I don't think so:
The new Gallup poll, conducted in early August, finds 56 percent the federal government should "fund research that would use newly created stem cells obtained from human embryos." Forty percent say the government should not fund such research.
Do columnists not understand the power of Google?

Even if her numbers were correct, her position on majority rules puts her in a tough spot. I wonder what her view was on Democrats filibustering President Bush's Federal Judicial nominees? Many of her Reasonable compatriots waxed poetic about the nobility of minority rights? If she was one of them, she has some 'splaining to do! Do her principles change with her circumstances? Is it right to insist on minority rights only if it favors one's sacred cows? Sounds like that's what she's saying. Need to keep those scary conservatives off the Federal bench? Minority rights all the way, baby! Filibuster the Fools out of contention! But if those Fools want to hold back the hands of progress toward Life-for-me-not-for-thee? Well, get them out of the way. The majority wants it, don't they?

Ah, the Reasonable. Muddying the waters since 1973. Gotta feed that Moloch, donchaknow! Any way will do!